Logos Celebration International Ministries (LCIM) – Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever

Western Kenya

Welcome to our official website
Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever

Support Orphanage
Breath of Heaven Children’s Home and Education Centre (BOHCHEC) is dedicated to

Anti-Jigger Campaign
The flea affects many impoverished populations living in sub-Saharan Africa,

Breath of Heaven Children's Home & Education Centre
Over 50 Children in our Orphanage
We are dedicated to providing a loving and caring family environment for vulnerable children aged 5 to 18 years to live within and call home.
Counties Targeted
Orphans Targeted
Happy Children
Year of Inception
Orphans learning sign language at Breath of Heaven Children's Home

Our Vision, Mission, Core Values and What We Believe
Who We Are

Our Mission
To make, mature and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God.

Our Vision
Our vision is to do three simple things namely Love our Lord Jesus, Love each other and Love the Community.

Our Core Values
Seven things namely; Gospel Centrality, Community, Misssion, Serving, Diversity, Equipping, Next Genration.

Our Focus
The Lord Jesus Christ and the finished work on the cross at Calvary. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
We Are The Hands of Jesus
What We Do
We make disciples through sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Truly loving each other is a radical call amid a church culture of mere Sunday morning attendance and casual involvement. It involves mutual care, consistency and authenticity as we seek to worship the person of Christ and encourage the work of Christ in our lives.